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structural resistance中文是什么意思

用"structural resistance"造句"structural resistance"怎么读"structural resistance" in a sentence


  • 【航空】前面阻力。


  • Information updating based on multi - layer bayes structural resistance model
  • 5 . have known the goal reliability index m , the structural resistance can be back calculated ; furthermore the members can be designed
    五、已知目标可靠指标_ m 、荷载模型及参数,结合动态可靠度理论可反求结构抗力,进而进行构件的截面设计。
  • To overcome the shortage , in this paper , the time parametert is introduced into the structural resistance and load model , and it makes the calculation of the dynamic reliability available . 2
    本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,在结构抗力模型和荷载模型中引入了时间参数t ,提出了一个简单、实用的动态可靠度计算方法,为后文的可靠性评定,寿命预测奠定了基础。
  • The equation of the structural limiting state can be expressed : z = r - s , thereinto r and s respectively are structural resistance and load response expressed with stochastic variables , we ca
    结构的极限状态方程可以表示为: z = r ? s ,其中r和s分别为用随机变量表示的结构的抗力和荷载响应,通过极限状态方程就可以得出结构的失效概率,或者是用可靠指标表示的结构的可靠度。
  • This paper studies the reliability of structure during the construction period based existing data and the consideration of structural resistance increasing with time , and analyzed an example , the result of the analysis shows this method is available to the analysis of the structure reliability
  • On the basis of analysis on the influences of the foundation soil in goafs on the site seismic properties and the plane layout of buildings on the performances of the structural resistance to deformation , this paper puts forward a series of basic design plans and construction measures for buildings on goafs
用"structural resistance"造句  
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